Browse Research Projects

Our funded research projects and development projects span a wide range of topics that interest and benefit New Hampshire residents and their environment. Find projects that interest or relate to you below by topic.

Resource Year Topic
Hazards and Housing Values (regional)
Coastal hazards and Northeast housing values: comparative implications for climate change adaptation and community resilience.
Buy Out or Build Back? (regional)
Buy out or build back? A comparative assessment of approaches to employing public funding to vulnerable coastal properties in the Northeastern United…
Road Infrastructure
Climate Adaptation for road infrastructure in coastal New Hampshire
2014-2015 Climate, Coastal Resilience, Flooding
Pathogen Identification
Identification of endemic lineages of Vibrio parahaemolyticus causing regional outbreaks and their occurrence in New Hampshire shellfish waters.
2014-2015 Aquaculture, Genetics, Human Health
Nori Production
Diversifying the New England sea vegetable aquaculture industry: modification of kelp nursery and grow-out technology for nori production.
2014-2015 Aquaculture
Lamprey River Flood Damage
Analysis and communications of flood damage cost avoidance in the Lamprey River watershed of New Hampshire.
2014-2015 Coastal Resilience, Flooding
Great Bay Sediments
What happens to the nutrients that have accumulated in the sediments of the Great Bay? Quantifying nutrient release and removal due to diffusion and…
2014-2015 Water Quality and Safety
Clam Leukemia
Gene expression during development of clam leukemia: interactive effects of temperature and ocean acidification on viral loading and onset of disease
2014-2015 Fisheries, Genetics
Value of estuaries to rainbow smelt in New Hampshire
Through experimental larval release, acoustic telemetry, and otolith microchemistry, a team of researchers led by Nathan Furey at the University of…
2020-2021 Fisheries
Sediment overwash in barrier beach and salt marsh change
During storms and extreme weather events along the coast, sand and other sediments can wash over a barrier, like a beach or a road, and end up in a…
2020-2021 Coastal Resilience, Flooding
Drivers of coastal flooding and storm surge at a tidal marsh
Understanding how sea-level rise will affect coastal communities in New Hampshire is key to forming a plan to combat future risks to property and…
2020-2021 Coastal Resilience, Flooding, Innovative Technology, Wetlands
Health Risk from Vibrios
This project focuses on improving assessment of public health risk associated with climate induced changes in pathogenic Vibrio parahaemolyticus …
2016-2017 Human Health
Environmental Literacy
This project focuses on capitalizing on digital tools to expand environmental literacy around coastal resources.
2016-2017 Education, Innovative Technology
Dune Systems
This project looks at the question of New Hampshire being ready to build resilient coasts.
2016-2017 Coastal Resilience, Restoration
Wastes-to-resources aquaculture
This project is about improving the economic sustainability of Northeast aquaculture using a wastes-to-resources approach via integrated farming…
2018-2019 Aquaculture, Innovative Technology
Vibrio virulence in shellfish
This project is about examining the impact of phage on enhanced virulence and population expansion of non-native Vibrio parahaemolyticus into…
2018-2019 Aquaculture, Fisheries, Human Health
Characterizing the genetic stock structure of striped bass to improve marine culture and inform fishery management
This project is about characterizing the genetic stock structure of striped bass to improve marine culture and inform fishery management.
2018-2019 Aquaculture, Fisheries, Genetics
Seabirds as Indicators of New Hampshire's Fisheries
Having accurate data about fish populations is vital to managing a fishery, but getting that data for younger, smaller fish using traditional…
2020-2021 Fisheries
Jonah crab fishery
This project is evaluating growth and sustainable harvesting practices for Jonah crabs in New England waters.
2018-2019 Fisheries
Fish nutrients and contaminants
This project is looking at reducing risk and enhancing benefits of fish consumption by understanding relationships for mercury, arsenic, selenium,…
2018-2019 Fisheries