
Resource Year Topic
Pathogen Identification
Identification of endemic lineages of Vibrio parahaemolyticus causing regional outbreaks and their occurrence in New Hampshire shellfish waters.
2014-2015 Aquaculture, Genetics, Human Health
Clam Leukemia
Gene expression during development of clam leukemia: interactive effects of temperature and ocean acidification on viral loading and onset of disease
2014-2015 Fisheries, Genetics
Characterizing the genetic stock structure of striped bass to improve marine culture and inform fishery management
This project is about characterizing the genetic stock structure of striped bass to improve marine culture and inform fishery management.
2018-2019 Aquaculture, Fisheries, Genetics
eDNA Estuarine Monitoring
This project will design and implement a pilot eDNA monitoring program in N.H. streams and estuaries.
2018-2019 Genetics, Human Health, Innovative Technology