Our 2024-2027 Strategic Plan was developed through an iterative process as an evolution of our previous 2018-2023 Strategic Plan combining input from staff, needs assessments for each focus area, and feedback from our Policy Advisory Committee. It represents our integrated strategy across four functional areas: Research, Extension, Education, and Communications. It includes our Goals, Supported Objectives, and Desired Outcomes across four strategic focus areas: Healthy Coastal Ecosystems, Resilience Communities and Economies, Environmental Literacy and Workforce Development, and Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture.
To request a copy of the 2024-2027 Strategic Plan, email nh.seagrant@unh.edu.
Strategic Planning Process & Timeline
The New Hampshire Sea Grant Strategic Plan is developed collaboratively by the New Hampshire Sea Grant staff and Policy Advisory Committee. It motivates and guides actions and anticipated outcomes based on the Sea Grant approach: Long-term investment in research integrated with extension, education, and communications efforts that are continuously engaged with stakeholders.
The strategic plan is updated approximately every ~4 years in accordance with the National Sea Grant Office's strategic planning cycle. At the national level, the strategic planning process identifies core values and focus areas that drive efforts to address the priorities established by coastal communities across the country. State Sea Grant Programs then undergo their own strategic planning processes to reflect opportunities and needs specific to local marine and coastal issues and the communities that they serve.