Knauss Marine Policy Fellowship

Capitol Hill building in Washington D.C. Adobe Stock Image 107027042

The National Sea Grant College Program's John A. Knauss Marine Policy Fellowship provides a unique educational and professional experience to graduate students who have an interest in ocean, coastal, and Great Lakes resources and in the national policy decisions affecting those resources. The Fellowship, named after one of Sea Grant's founders, former NOAA Administrator, John A. Knauss, matches highly qualified graduate students with "hosts" in the legislative and executive branch of government located in the Washington, D.C. area, for a one-year paid fellowship.

    Fellowship questions? Contact:

    Lindsey Williams, Ph.D.
    Associate Director
    NH Sea Grant

    Submit application materials to:

    Who's eligible? 

    Any student, regardless of citizenship, is eligible to submit to this opportunity if:

    • The student is enrolled towards a degree in a graduate program at any point between the onset of the 2024 Fall Term (quarter, trimester, semester, etc.) and February 19, 2025;
    • The graduate degree will be awarded through an accredited institution of higher education in the United States or U.S. Territories, and; 
    • The student has an interest in ocean, coastal, and Great Lakes resources and in the national policy decisions affecting those resources.

    Additional Eligibility Criteria: 

    • The one-year fellowship will take place in the National Capital Region. Applicants must be prepared to relocate to the Washington, D.C. area. Non-U.S. citizens are responsible for obtaining the appropriate visa to allow them to work in the Washington, D.C. area during the fellowship period.
    • Foreign nationals, dual citizens, and permanent residents please note: while this fellowship is open to all eligible students regardless of nationality, a significant number of participating federal host offices are unable to accept foreign nationals, dual citizens and permanent residents as fellows. This may significantly reduce the number of placement opportunities available to foreign nationals. While more offices are able to host dual citizens, there may be restrictions. Note: Foreign nationals are eligible for both the Executive and Legislative cohort.
    • Applicants must be able to pass a federal background security check.
    • Prior contact/arrangements made with possible host offices before the start of the placement week will be cause for immediate disqualification from the process.

    Length of Fellowship

    1-year fellowship (February 1 - January 31 annually)

    Application Process

    Application deadline to NHSG: February 19, 2025 by 5 p.m. ET

    Applicants are strongly encouraged to reach out to NH Sea Grant one to two months prior to the application deadline to receive application support and provide notification of an intent to apply. Contact

    Each Sea Grant program may select and forward to the national competition no more than six (6) applicants selected according to criteria listed in the federal funding opportunity. NH Sea Grant may request an interview with each applicant after submission to the program, and before NH Sea Grant forwards its selection to the national competition.

    To apply: 

    Applications to the national competition must come from Sea Grant programs, not individual applicants. Applications to NH Sea Grant must be submitted via email to

    The Sea Grant Knauss Fellowship Student Guide provides detailed information about the application materials, specific prompts, and evaluation criteria. Applicants should read the Knauss Student Guide closely. 


    All applications must include the following items:

    • Curriculum vitae (2-page max)
    • Personal Education and Career Development Response
      • Section One: Icebreaker (25 words)
      • Section Two: Career Path and Objectives (750 words)
      • Section Three: Career Path Experience (750 words)
    • Relevant Coursework and Future Year Plans (1-page max)
    • Two letters of recommendation (2-page max each; 4 pages total)
    • All transcripts

    Sponsor: National Sea Grant College Program

    Resources and tips for applicants: