New Hampshire Sea Grant (NHSG) funded researchers and students are viewed as part of the Sea Grant network, serving as ambassadors of the NHSG mission. NHSG is dedicated to maintaining a position of non-advocacy. We strive to serve as a neutral, honest broker of science-based information. To that end, we ask that you maintain objectivity when communicating your NHSG-funded research in presentations, on social media, and when speaking to the media.
Outreach Opportunities
Biennial Research Symposium
NHSG-funded researchers will be asked to participate in our Biennial Research Symposium to present their project objectives, data, and results . This symposium showcases recently-funded NHSG projects and provides a forum to discuss best practices in translating cross-disciplinary science to action through integrated research, education and engagement.
The symposium strengthens the sense of community among current Sea Grant researchers and other partners, staff, stakeholders, and students involved as well as engages potential new investigators and partners.
Presentations & Gatherings
Researchers are encouraged to attend other NHSG related events and meetings to interact with the staff and our partners.
- The annual UNH Ocean Discovery Day event provides researchers and graduate students with the opportunity to interact with students, teachers, and parents—along with other potential collaborators—to raise awareness of their research topics and marine science in general.
- The UNH Marine Docents host monthly meetings, along with annual picnics and potlucks, that researchers are welcome to attend to either discuss their research or simply to socialize.
- The NHSG Policy Advisory Committee meetings also offer valuable networking opportunities with professionals in various sectors. Additional social gatherings may take place as well, providing the chance to connect more casually.
We invite NHSG-funded researchers to take part in these events to help cultivate deeper ties to our staff, partners, and other researchers.
Sea Grant reporting differs from traditional annual reports to funders, such as the National Science Foundation, in several ways. The primary difference is that our reporting is a more direct communication with legislative decision makers, media sources, and the general public. The heart of our reporting takes the form of impact and accomplishment statements submitted to the National Sea Grant Office annually each spring. These statements are used for communication products and materials, partnership building, and program evaluation, so it is imperative that they be concise and clear.
Impact Statements
Impact statements should effectively describe the significant economic, societal and/or environmental benefits of your research, extension, education and communications work. Impact statements document the verifiable results of Sea Grant’s work and how our efforts have made a difference in the lives of coastal residents, communities and environments. Ultimately, they help decision makers and constituents understand how our programs are making a difference.
Accomplishment Statements
Accomplishment statements effectively describe the key actions, activities or products resulting from Sea Grant research, extension, education and communications work. These are distinct from impact statements in that they reflect ongoing activities or key results that may not yet have had a significant economic, societal and/or environmental benefit, but that lay the foundation for such a benefit.
Funded researchers will receive an automated reporting "call" through NHSG's eSeaGrant portal annually each spring. Due dates are firm in order for NHSG to meet National Sea Grant Office deadlines.
Funding Acknowledgements
Funded researchers are expected to acknowledge NHSG funding in presentations, articles and media interviews, and publications. Our required funding acknowledgement language for published scientific journal articles is:
This work [report, activity, publication] was funded [in part] by New Hampshire Sea Grant research project X/XXX-#, pursuant to National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Award No. XXXXXXXXXXXXXX.
The project code and NOAA award number are provided individually to each NHSG-funded project. Please contact our Communications team to request this information.
Downloadable Logos
Click on the description to open the NH Sea Grant logo image in a new tab.
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Social Media
Like, follow, and tag @nhseagrant on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, and use #SeaGrantFunded.
Connect With Us
We encourage researchers and students to approach us as far in advance as possible so we can help you appropriately! If you have any questions or need clarification on these or other points in the following areas, please contact:
Dr. Steve Jones
Associate Director and Assistant Director for Research
Erik Froburg
Reporting Lead
Michelle Lemos
eSeaGrant Management
Communications & Publications
Alexa Brickett
Assistant Director for Communications