
An image of lobsters in an orange bucket after being caught on a lobster boat

Major funding RFP

2026-2027 Request for Proposals

Every two years, NH Sea Grant issues a Request for Proposals (RFP) for those seeking funding (≤ $100k per year) for research projects that contribute to improved understanding, utilization and/or management of coastal and marine resources relating to our four Focus Areas of Environmental Literacy and Workforce Development, Healthy Coastal Ecosystems, Resilient Communities and Economies, and Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture.

See what projects have recently been funded on our Research Projects page.

Development funding

NH Sea Grant accepts proposals for Program Development Funds at any time. These awards are generally in the $1,000 to $5,000 range and are mainly used to initiate a research project and less often to support NHSG-related workshops and travel.

Read more about our program development funds.

Regional Sea Grant funding

Recognizing that some issues are best addressed at the regional scale, the Northeast Sea Grant Consortium, comprised of the Sea Grant programs in New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island, MIT, Woods Hole, New Hampshire, Vermont and Maine, conducts regional research funding competitions periodically.

View the Northeast Sea Grant Consortium's website.

National Sea Grant funding

The National Sea Grant College Program periodically offers funding opportunities for research on topics that have a national or regional focus and complement state program strategic objectives. Recent opportunities include the Aquaculture Research Program, the American Lobster Research Program, the Contaminants of Emerging Concern Research Program, and more. Some of these research programs are open to any applicant and others require that applicants submit proposals through a Sea Grant program.

See current National Sea Grant funding opportunities.

Who can apply?

Faculty and researchers with principal investigator status at any institution of higher education and research in New Hampshire are eligible to apply for funding through NH Sea Grant.

Does my research fit with the NH Sea Grant Program funding goals?

Researchers are encouraged to review the NH Sea Grant Strategic Plan before submitting a proposal for funding to see how their research fits with NH Sea Grant's priorities and goals.

Student opportunities

NH Sea Grant offers a variety of fellowships and opportunities for students. Read more about opportunities for graduate students and undergraduate students.

Contact information

For more information on NH Sea Grant research funding, contact: