New Hampshire CoastWise is a year-long, cohort-based immersion program for students and professionals working on coastal resilience and marine resource management issues in the state. Designed to build new skills and stronger networks, CoastWise seeks to cultivate an engaged and diverse workforce to better tackle the challenges facing our coasts (including upland watersheds) to support more engaged and impactful coastal research across disciplines.
New Hampshire CoastWise forges connections between students, researchers, practitioners, and decision-makers around the state to build a more resilient and sustainable future. Throughout the year, CoastWise participants come together to attend workshops and spend time in the field – learning about coastal issues, building a repertoire of skills, networking with peers and partners, and gaining first-hand knowledge of and connections with the stakeholders and communities across the state.
To apply: The application period for the 2023-24 CoastWise cohort is now closed. The next CoastWise cohort is planned for 2025-26. Information about the application process for the 2025-26 Cohort will be posted here - the application period typically opens in March, with applicants notified in mid-May. To receive a notification when the next application period is available, sign up for the CoastWise email list.
Be sure to sign up for our mailing list below to stay connected with CoastWise updates and application timelines.
Time commitment: Participants commit to attend two multi-day in-person workshops, two day-long field trips, and four virtual webinars over the course of the year.
Who's eligible? Participants from any discipline that addresses challenges around coastal resiliency and resource management are eligible to apply.
More info: See our FAQ page for additional details or reach out to Sign up for our mailing list below to receive periodic updates on the program and announcements when the application period opens each year.

Dr. Lindsey Williams joined NH Sea Grant in 2021 and current serves as one of the Associate Directors and Assistant Director for Workforce Development. Lindsey works primarily on topics related to the human dimensions of coastal systems including policy and social science research and education.

Lisa Wise joined the NH Sea Grant team in 2017 as the Climate Adaptation Program Manager, which is a joint position with UNH Cooperative Extension. Lisa works with New Hampshire communities to build awareness of and resilience to the impacts of a changing climate. Lisa received her master's degree in Coastal Ecosystem Management from UNH in 2015.
CoastWise News and Announcements

CoastWise Update: Spring 2024

CoastWise: a year of building skills and networks for coastal resiliency
CoastWise: a year of building skills and networks for coastal resiliency
Learn more about the first CoastWise Cohort and Apply for 2022-2023

Building a network for stronger coasts – New Hampshire CoastWise
Building a network for stronger coasts – New Hampshire CoastWise
Learn more about the Launch of NH CoastWise
Join our email list!