Our SeaTrek programs come to your location with supplies, activities, and sometimes, even a special guest. Choose from a wide variety of classes and activities on marine topics.
SeaTreks are 45-60 minute sessions that include PowerPoint presentations and student activities, presented at your location. The cost is $80 for the first session of a particular program and $60 for each additional session of the same program on the same day.
Please view classes and descriptions. Once you have a desired SeaTrek in mind(or multiple SeaTreks!), please fill out our online SeaTrek Reservation Form.
Dari Christenson
Marine Education Program Manager
(603) 862-6701
Jacob Winn
SeaTrek Coordinator
(603) 862-6700
Program Descriptions
Program Summary
Living with our beaches and dunes – learning about resilience in the face of constant change
The sandy beach and dune environment is introduced to the audience through a series of activities that include a learner-appropriate introduction to how scientists define a beach-dune system, followed by hands-on explorations that can cover topics such as sources of beach sand (one end of the rock cycle), links between waves, tides and how beaches and dunes change through the year, challenges presented by sea level rise, beach and dune ecosystems, and how to encourage more resilient coastal development. The emphasis, scientific concepts and depth of the discussion increases with the age and developing skill set of the audience. Data collection activities and guides for later analyses are available for teachers through special arrangement.
Audience: Can be targeted to K-5, 6-8, 9-12, and to Adults through the SeaSpeaks program
NGSS Practices Alignments (with teacher consultation and additional class time):
- Asking questions and defining problems
- Developing and using models
- Planning and carrying out investigations
- Analyzing and interpreting data
- Constructing explanations and designing solutions
- Engaging in argument from evidence
- Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information
Grade K-5 Activities
- Sands of the World – Build observational skills in an earth science context.
- Travels of a Sand Grain – A ‘rock cycle’ game that follows a sand grain through different coastal sedimentary environments.
- Home, Restaurant, Playground – People and the beach-dune ecosystem.
- Making Waves – a physical modelling activity about beach and dune response to storms.
Grades 6-12 Activities
- Three Grade K-5 activities with more advanced exploration of concepts from geology, physics and ecology, options for data collection and analysis.
- Sea level rise and moving shorelines – Physical modelling exercise. Data collection and analysis an option.
- Marine Debris – Processes and Properties – Physical modelling exercise exploring the roles of buoyancy, wind and waves. Data collection and analysis an option.
Take away concepts
- Beaches and dunes are incredibly diverse ecosystems with strong physical/environmental controls.
- Beaches and dunes respond dramatically to forces such as waves, wind, and development.
- How organisms manage to survive in dynamic sandy coastal environments.
- How we can build sustainability into our coastal communities.
Horseshoe crabs in the Great Bay Estuary
We offer two programs on the Great Bay Estuary. One targeted for the K-6th grade audience and the other for 7th graders to adults.
Audience: Grades K-6
The Great Bay Estuary has played a defining role in New Hampshire's history and economy since 1623, but how does the estuary itself work, and what kinds of creatures call it home? This interactive program uses props, short video clips, and illustrative photos to show students how different plants and animals survive in one of earth's most challenging environments (imagine your house being flooded and drained twice each day).
We introduce the Great Bay Estuary's three main habitats: eel grass meadows, mud flats, and salt marshes, and then challenge students to explain the different adaptations found in each. Why are the legs of a great blue heron different from those of an osprey? What does a clam do exactly when there's no water left at low tide? How can marsh grass grow in such salty water?
Following the 15 to 18-minute PowerPoint presentation on the Great Bay Estuary and its relationship to the coastal watershed, students rotate through two (or sometimes three) hands-on activities which could include:
- an up close and personal encounter with a live horseshoe crab
- a hands-on exercise that visually illustrates what a watershed is, how different sources of pollution can affect it, and the positive effects of vegetative buffer zones
- a history portion about salt marsh haying and how the antique tools were used
- a tower exercise representing the estuarine ecosystem and the effects of different kinds of pollution on the health of the estuary
- a guessing game exercise that reinforces the extreme lengths of time it takes for different polluting objects to be reabsorbed into the environment
Audience: Grades 7-12, Adult
In a PowerPoint presentation we introduce the audience to the estuary and watershed concepts and how everyone living in a watershed area affects the health of that watershed, in this case the Great Bay Estuary. This estuary is a fascinating environment consisting of three main habitats which are affected twice daily by the tidal flow. During the presentation we address the following questions:
- What are some of the plants and animals that live in the estuary?
- How have they adapted to this fluctuating environment?
- What happens to the estuary in the event of an oil spill or heavy rain?
- What are some examples of estuary pollutants?
Discussion involves the science behind the factors which affect the health of the estuary over time. Students are introduced to projects underway to restore estuary habitats to a more healthy condition (eelgrass and oyster reef restoration).
Hands-on activities following could include:
- Estuary metaphors (a box of cereal is like the estuary because...)
- Match-ups (Average salinity = 26 ppt; Freshwater input/Saltwater input = 17%, 83%)
Audience: Elementary School
The life-cycle of a lobster is explored through a series of images in this dynamic program. The history of harvesting lobsters is outlined and the process of catching lobsters in traps is demonstrated for the audience.
Participants have the opportunity to examine lobster traps, handle a live lobster and learn how lobstermen measure and band lobsters for the market.
Through discussion, participants are encouraged to consider the balance between protecting the lobster species, providing a livelihood for lobstermen and ensuring that we continue to enjoy this delicacy from the sea.
Audiences: Pre-school, Elementary School, Middle School, Adults
N.H. Curriculum Framework Strands: LS-1, LS-2, LS-3
Ocean Literacy Principles:
- The earth has one big ocean with many features.
- The ocean supports a great diversity of life and ecosystems.
- The oceans and humans are inextricably connected.
Program Summary
Marine mammals are among the most charismatic and interesting animals on the planet! This docent team can tailor a program to meet the needs of your curriculum by either focusing on Cetaceans (Whales, Dolphins, Porpoises) or on Pinnipeds (Seals, Sea Lions, Walruses.) After submitting a request for a Marine Mammals SeaTrek, you will be contacted regarding your preferences.
Each engaging program begins with a PowerPoint presentation that illustrates the physical and behavioral characteristics of the animals being covered. Docents will interact with participants by asking questions and encouraging thoughtful discussion. Participants will then be broken into small groups for a rotation of hands-on activities that are designed to provide students with opportunities to enhance their understanding of concepts presented during the PowerPoint. The activities (which are chosen from the list below) will be determined by age group of students, as well as time, space, and docent availability.
Program Outline - Whales, Dolphins, Porpoises
- Sizes
- Marine Mammals
- Gulf of Maine Feeding Grounds
- Migration
- Feeding methods
- Whale Evolution
- Adaptations
- Importance of whales to our environment
- Threats to whales
- What can we do?
Program Activities
Big, Bigger, Biggest (relative lengths of various whales) Using a tape measure marked at intervals representing the lengths of different whales, students will match whale images with the appropriate length. (Requires a hallway, gymnasium, or outdoor space that can accommodate a 100-foot tape measure.)
Which is Which (Whale Replicas) Students will match replicas with species identification poster, discuss differences in appearance, feeding habits, coloration, and size; classify whales as baleen or toothed.
Dinner Time (Feeding habits of baleen and toothed whales) Working with a variety of objects such as combs and clothespins, students will explore the feeding habits of baleen and toothed whales. Which method provides the most calories?
Keeping Warm The sea is a chilly place to live.Marine Mammals are well prepared for this with a thick layer of fat called "blubber.” Students will take turns putting a "blubber glove" on one hand while leaving the other hand unprotected and then submerge both in a tub of ice water. Hand temperatures will be measured before and after so students can see the differences.
Program Outline - Seals, Sea Lions, Walruses
- Marine Mammals
- 4 flippers
- Amphibious (Live on land & in water)
- Vibrissae (whiskers)
- Anatomical differences
- Hunting methods
- Care of young
- Pinniped Evolution
- Adaptations
- Different species
Program Activities
Keeping Warm The sea is a chilly place to live.Marine Mammals are well prepared for this with a thick layer of fat called "blubber.” Students will take turns putting a "blubber glove" on one hand while leaving the other hand unprotected and then submerge both in a tub of ice water. Hand temperatures will be measured before and after so students can see the differences.
How Do Seals Stay Warm? A series of “coats” made of various materials to mimic seal fur, skin, and blubber can be donned by participants while discussing “thermoregulation.”
Which is Which (Seal Replicas) Students will match replicas with species identification cards; discuss differences in physical characteristics, feeding habits, etc.
Audiences: Pre-school, Elementary, Middle, and High Schools, and Adults.
NH Frameworks: Sections: LS1-1, LS2-3
Program can be tailored to the age and academic background of the students. To enhance the presentation's effectiveness, it is very helpful if the lead teacher at the school contacts one of the program presenters to help ascertain target areas. The focus of the 45-minute Rocky Shore Program can be either Seaweeds or Invertebrate Animals. If the school would like to have both presentations, we then recommend two sessions or a 90-minute period.
Program Summary
Spanning the area between the low and high tide lines, the intertidal zone of the rocky shore of the New England seacoast is an ecological treasure trove of organisms whose survival is challenged by a variety of extreme conditions including crashing waves, hours of exposure to air, temperature and salinity fluctuations, and predation from both land and sea. Yet even in these conditions there is a rich variety of marine organisms that have adapted well to this ecosystem.
A Power Point presentation sets the stage for understanding the organisms and the ecological interactions that impact this dynamic ecosystem. Participants then have the opportunity for detailed examination and handling of many of the common live seaweeds and invertebrates that inhabit the different areas of the intertidal zone between the low and high tide lines. In addition to seeing a diversity of red, green and brown seaweeds, students will also get to observe such organisms as snails (periwinkles and dog whelks), sea stars, sea urchins, and green & Asian shore crabs, among others. Through their encounters with these intertidal organisms, students will be encouraged to observe and discuss the adaptations of each organism that help ensure that it remains moist, feeds adequately, avoids predators and stays put amid tides and crashing waves.
Program Outline
(for either a 45-minute or 90-minute presentation)
- Part 1: Power Point presentation
- Activity: Hands-on observation of Seaweeds and/or Invertebrates.
- Part 2: Wrap up, or if time permits, a discussion of the tidal phenomenon.
Audience: Middle School
The SCUBA SeaTrek is a wonderful introduction to physical science that is relevant to underwater study and exploration. Participants rotate between two stations with hands-on activities, demonstrations, equipment display, and a short video.
Concepts covered in the SeaTrek include:
- Boyle's Law
- Compression of gases versus liquids
- Effect of pressure and depth
- Buoyancy and Archimedes principle
- Heat transfer
- Hypothermia
Audience: Pre-K through Adult
Sea chanteys are fun songs, but in the old days of the tall-masted sailing ships they were the work songs by which the sailors labored in unison to hoist the sails, haul up the anchor and pump the bilge. It was exhausting work, icy cold in the Arctic gales, sweaty in the tropic calms. But the chanteys (from the French verb, "to sing") told tales of high adventure - of harpooned whales that dragged them on a "Nantucket sleigh ride," of pirates they fought on the high seas, of girls they wooed in ports around the globe. For hard-bitten men, they were great romantics!
It is the special joy of the Chantey Singers to bring alive the folklore of the great days of sail - politics, economics, science and fun, all in one rousing package!
Previous Sea Chantey audiences:
- Elementary and middle schools throughout the Seacoast and beyond
- Public libraries
- Retirement communities and nursing homes
- Civic, professional and community groups
The choice of songs are customized for the age range of the audience.
Chantey Sampler
For a memorable hand-on activity, Squid Dissection is right up your alley!
Our team of docents will lead your group in identifying external parts of the squid, then guide them through a careful dissection and identification of internal anatomy.