
If you are interested in developing a career in marine science, this is the place to start!

New Hampshire Sea Grant offers undergraduate and graduate fellowships, as well as career advice from professionals in a variety of marine-related positions.

Doyle Fellowship for Undergraduates

New Hampshire Sea Grant's Brian E. Doyle Undergraduate Marine Extension Fellowship offers motivated undergraduates the opportunity to receive hands-on training and field or lab experience during the summer.
Doyle Fellowship

Two students doing a transect study on a beach

Graduate Student Fellowships

NH Sea Grant is committed to connecting qualified graduate students with opportunities made available by the National Sea Grant College Program and its partners.
Graduate Student Fellowships

Student looking at camera

National Sea Grant Office Opportunities

This page is specifically catered to help undergraduate and graduate students find career development opportunities provided by Sea Grant, including information on scholarships, internships, and fellowships. National Sea Grant Office

Sea Grant and NOAA Logos