What are stream health surveys?
The Coastal Research Volunteers began working with the Sagamore Hampton Golf Club in 2013 to assess the effectiveness of the Sagamore’s environmentally friendly golf course maintenance strategies. CRV collected data on water quality, benthic macroinvertebrate communities (insects, worms, and crustaceans), and planting success in and around Cornelius Brook, a stream that runs through the golf course. They also helped with streambank stewardship projects.
What do stream health survey volunteers do?
Ongoing stream health surveys at the Sagamore Hampton Golf Club will be one-day experiences, giving volunteers an opportunity to survey macroinvertebrates, take water quality samples, or survey plant communities.
Volunteers will be able to contribute to one-day volunteer events on an as-needed basis. Keep checking back or sign up for our newsletter to be informed of opportunities as they become available.
Data collected from this project directly benefit the Sagamore Hampton Golf Club's stewardship of Cornelius Brook, and provide a useful reference for others that are interested in environmentally friendly stream management,
In 2017, CRV released some preliminary results from the first stage of our work. Future work will involve continuing to monitor water quality and planting success to evaluate the project's long-term impact.
Interest in spending time outdoors around streams and contributing to local water quality
- Meet other community members with similar interests
- Contribute to a dynamic, ongoing project working with a local business
- Spend time appreciating and contributing to a local stream that may often go over-looking
Join our stream health survey efforts!
Our restoration work at Sagamore has almost wrapped up, but we'll likely stay involved and stop in to check on the water quality from time to time. Check back here or sign up for our newsletter for more information, and contact Wells if you would like to help out with this effort on an as-needed basis!
Links, resources, and partner organizations
Check out, A different approach to course management, about the history of the Sagamore Hampton Golf Club’s efforts to practice sustainable golf course maintenance, and about their partnership with CRV. And make sure you watch the video, filmed during a CRV volunteer workday at the golf course.