Our staff and volunteer teams have been monitoring New Hampshire's sandy beaches year-round since 2018, and their data is now available to you through a new data portal, beach reports, and a four-year summary. Find the data product that best suits your needs for understanding shoreline change below.
NH DES Beach Profiling Data Portal
Access and view data from any monitored beach in New Hampshire and build your own data comparisons.
2020 Beach Profile Reports
Interested in how one of our beaches has changed over time? These reports summarize broad changes and highlight important accretion and erosion events.
Erosion and Accretion Trends of New Hampshire Beaches from December 2016 to March 2020
Can't get enough information about our beaches? Read our extensive report detailing the results of our beach profiling program from 2016 to 2020

Beach Profiling Implementation, Field Methods, and Data Processing
Looking to learn more about our process or create your own beach profiling project? Download our report diving into the details of how our program functions, how our data is processed and used, and examples of products created from our data.
Wells Costello
Citizen Science Outreach Coordinator
(603) 862-6707
Alyson Eberhardt
CRV Program Manager
Coastal Ecosystems Extension Specialist
(603) 862-6709