Innovative Technology

Resource Year Topic
Drivers of coastal flooding and storm surge at a tidal marsh
Understanding how sea-level rise will affect coastal communities in New Hampshire is key to forming a plan to combat future risks to property and…
2020-2021 Coastal Resilience, Flooding, Innovative Technology, Wetlands
Environmental Literacy
This project focuses on capitalizing on digital tools to expand environmental literacy around coastal resources.
2016-2017 Education, Innovative Technology
Wastes-to-resources aquaculture
This project is about improving the economic sustainability of Northeast aquaculture using a wastes-to-resources approach via integrated farming…
2018-2019 Aquaculture, Innovative Technology
eDNA Estuarine Monitoring
This project will design and implement a pilot eDNA monitoring program in N.H. streams and estuaries.
2018-2019 Genetics, Human Health, Innovative Technology