
Resource Year Topic
Road Infrastructure
Climate Adaptation for road infrastructure in coastal New Hampshire
2014-2015 Climate, Coastal Resilience, Flooding
Lamprey River Flood Damage
Analysis and communications of flood damage cost avoidance in the Lamprey River watershed of New Hampshire.
2014-2015 Coastal Resilience, Flooding
Sediment overwash in barrier beach and salt marsh change
During storms and extreme weather events along the coast, sand and other sediments can wash over a barrier, like a beach or a road, and end up in a…
2020-2021 Coastal Resilience, Flooding
Drivers of coastal flooding and storm surge at a tidal marsh
Understanding how sea-level rise will affect coastal communities in New Hampshire is key to forming a plan to combat future risks to property and…
2020-2021 Coastal Resilience, Flooding, Innovative Technology, Wetlands