
Resource Year Topic
Wastewater treatment processes influencing Emerging Contaminant loads to the Great Bay Estuary
To examine the growing threat of PFAS and other contaminants, Paula Mouser and her team at the University of New Hampshire will apply new analysis…
2020-2021 Emerging Contaminants
Value of estuaries to rainbow smelt in New Hampshire
Through experimental larval release, acoustic telemetry, and otolith microchemistry, a team of researchers led by Nathan Furey at the University of…
2020-2021 Fisheries
Sediment overwash in barrier beach and salt marsh change
During storms and extreme weather events along the coast, sand and other sediments can wash over a barrier, like a beach or a road, and end up in a…
2020-2021 Coastal Resilience, Flooding
Drivers of coastal flooding and storm surge at a tidal marsh
Understanding how sea-level rise will affect coastal communities in New Hampshire is key to forming a plan to combat future risks to property and…
2020-2021 Coastal Resilience, Flooding, Innovative Technology, Wetlands
Seabirds as Indicators of New Hampshire's Fisheries
Having accurate data about fish populations is vital to managing a fishery, but getting that data for younger, smaller fish using traditional…
2020-2021 Fisheries