Great Bay EcoCruise

Tuesday, July 11, 2023 - 8 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.

UNH Pier

Join fellow explorers on an activity-based cruise from Portsmouth up the Piscataqua River into the Great Bay Estuary and to the Jackson Estuarine Laboratory.

You are likely to get your hands wet as you learn about marine and estuarine ecosystems on this informal, educational cruise. Tow for plankton and marvel at its movement in a magnifying scope; capture water from below the surface and test its characteristics; observe, handle and hear about plants and animals from the unique habitats of the estuary; deploy an otter trawl; and find out what scientists study about The Great Bay.

Open to members of the public on a first come, first served basis

Ages:  Adults & Children 10 years of age and older (must be accompanied by an adult)

Cost:  $45 for Adults, $30 for Children (10 & up)

Location:  UNH Pier next to the U.S. Coast Guard Station at Fort Point in New Castle, N.H.


Contact Info
Lemos, Michelle