This spring, NH Sea Grant requested proposals for small development projects (budgets up to $10,000) that could be completed this summer, between June 1 – August 31, 2019. Eighteen strong proposals were submitted, each addressing high-priority needs for the state within NH Sea Grant’s strategic focus areas: Healthy Coastal Ecosystems, Resilient Communities and Economies, Environmental Literacy and Workforce Development, and Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture. NH Sea Grant is pleased to announce that nine proposals were selected for funding, and are now underway.

Summer 2019 Funded Proposals:

  • A comparative study of eelgrass monitoring methods using underwater video in the Great Bay Estuary – PI Catherine Ashcraft
  • Creating a deposition baseline for modeling microplastic particle distribution in Great Bay Estuary – PI Bonnie Brown
  • Comparison between oyster larvae and recruitment in the Great Bay Estuary – PI Jennifer Dijkstra
  • Evaluating the biological stock structure of Atlantic cod to inform fishery management – PI Adrienne Kovach
  • Preliminary analysis of PFAS fate in point sources discharging to Great Bay Estuary – PI Paula Mouser
  • Investigating expansion and transferability of UNDERCURRENTS, an applied theatre approach to navigating the human dynamics of climigration – PI Julia Peterson
  • Exploring the usefulness of high-resolution UAV derived vegetation classification data for Great Bay Estuary habitat assessment – PI Michael Routhier
  • Effectiveness of ‘relay’ strategy to reduce Vibrio abundance in shellstock – PI Cheryl Whistler
  • Development and testing of alternative lobster baits made from green crabs – PI Win Watson

These projects demonstrate the potential for New Hampshire’s research community to respond to coastal and marine issues with innovative science-based approaches. We look forward to seeing how these projects will contribute to increased understanding of local ecosystems and resources in the Granite State.

Shoreline and clams

For more information about funding opportunities through NH Sea Grant:
Research Funding

To learn more about previous NH Sea Grant-funded research projects:

Questions about funded research projects can be directed to:

Steve Jones
Associate Director & Assistant Director for Research, NH Sea Grant
(603) 862-5124

Erik Chapman
Director, NH Sea Grant
(603) 862-1935